March 2003:
Ok, here we go.
Keygenning4newbies is back!
Please contribute to it , if you want to see more
keygenME, more tutorials etc!
Another project is on its way, Be prepared.
January 2003:
Jesus! Latest update was in jully 2001. Didn't think it was THAT old.
Anyway, BIG thanks to Woodmann for hosting my page! thanks mate!
I will restart keygenning 4 newbies in a short while.
More to come...
Jully 2001:
tutorial 44 : how to reverse my weird crackme. protection : buffer overflow![](new.gif)
May 2001:
Mailing list added!!
Feb 2001:
TOOL: Armadillo Deprotector 1.1
Use my unpacker to unprotect armadilled files ;) enjoy..
Please DOWNLOAD the tool of our trade.
IDA : Getting Started
Download it also and check that out. Practice and learn the art of keygenning..
january 2001: Happy new year
tutorial 43 : How to Reverse a Web chat protocol and code a client for it.
My site is back.. After 2 weeks without server, it's up
www.leelouonline is now hosting my site..
Visit this nice site, even if it is nothing related to reverse code engineering.
It is in French btw..
Mon site est de retour! Apres 2 semaines sans serveur pour m'heberger
on peut a nouveau y acceder ;)
Je tiens a remercier : pour l'hebergement de mon site.
Visitez ce petit site sympa , meme si il n'a rien avoir avec le reverse code engineering!
Je trouve le site plutot bien fait ;o)
November 2000:
Tools section has been fixed ! Now , you can
download JAD, Soft ice 4.05 for Win9x and NT/2K..
you have prolly noticed that my site was not that
updated recently ..
yeah, right .. Don't worry, a new version of this website
is coming!
I hope you will like it!
New design, new tuts (maybe ;p) , and
maybe a new forums! ..
Btw, i'd like you to vote sometimes for my site
September 2000:
*Important* :
As you prolly noticed, i changed my nick from ACiD BuRN to 'tHE ANALYST'...
Why ?
just because too many lamers are using 'acid burn' as their nick :^/
i can't use that nick anymore since some ppls think i am a script kiddies who watched
the movie hacker ...
anyway, i also left ECLiPSE , where i was leader..
I now, belong to uCF ( uNITED cRACKING fORCE).
Please also update your links !
use : as url :)
thx a lot
best Regards
tHE ANALYST [Immortal Descendants / uCF ]
Cours 41 : Chasse au *Dongle* : Reversing Autocad 14 Version Francaise![](new.gif)
SIGN my guestbook :)
Jully 2000:
Cours 42 : Commnent Cracker Devil's Sword et idée pour amméliorer sa securité + conseils
June 2000:
Tut 41 : *Dongle* Hunting: Reversing Autocad 14 French version
May 2000:
FAQ : Frequently asked questions: Read it *BEFORE* mailing me!
Tut 39 : Reverse Engineering: adding new code to a program!
Tut 40 : How to keygen MP3 Explorer 3.2
January 2000:
RSA Reversing: little introduction
Millenium Cracking Tutoriel En Francais